TOP 10…Let´s start counting down.

10 Most Brutal and Deadliest Terrorist Attacks

Terrorists have targeted Mosques, cinemas and schools. Watch the video to discover the 10 Deadliest Terrorist Attacks of all time.

10 Best Kept Trade Secrets of all Time

Coca Cola, McDonald’s and KFC are keeping their recipes close to their chests. Find out more about the most protected secrets in the world.

10 Places You’re Not Allowed to See on Google Maps

Google Earth lets us travel the world from the safety of our computer screens. Yet there are places they are hiding from us, why?

10 Nazi War Criminals who Escaped Justice

They committed appalling human experiments, enjoyed torturing innocent people and were responsible for thousands of murders. None paid the price for their crimes. These are 10 evil Nazis war criminals that escaped justice.

10 Powerful and the World´s Richest Terrorist Groups

Whether it’s ISIS, Boko Haram or Al-Qaeda, terrorists have caused chaos across the world, massacring thousands and destroying entire cities.

10 Important Facts about Aztecs Civilization You Need to know

Discover the vicious sacrifices, terrifying punishments and brutal weapons behind the Aztec Empire with 10 important Facts about the Aztecs.

10 Shocking Miscarriages of Justice

Sometimes innocent until proven guilty doesn’t ring true. Check out these disturbing cases where people have wrongly faced the executioners block without even having the law on their side.

10 Amazing Facts about Vladimir Putin

A former Soviet spy who might just be the richest man on Earth – there’s a lot more to learn about Russia’s President. Find out about the real Vladimir Putin with these 10 incredible facts.

10 World´s Worst Dictators

They say ‘Absolute power, corrupts absolutely’. From gulags to the holocaust, check out these frightening facts about history’s most formidable tyrants.

10 Stupid and Most Bizzare Reasons to Get Arrested

From men pleasuring themselves with picnic tables to criminals trying to rob a bank with a toilet plunger, here are 10 of the most embarrassing reasons to get arrested.

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