Birthrate is an expert expression which signifies total birth in certain area in certain time period. Its height is measured as a ratio between born children-usually born alive-and total population number. Birthrate is usually calculated per 1.000 residents and with the help of mathematical formula n=Nx1000/S, where n signifies wanted rate, N number of born children, and S total number of residents in a given area in a time period for which the rate is being calculated, most often in one year. Apart from birthrate for certain country, various other ways of calculations are possible: for certain religion, for certain groups of residents and similar.
Birthrate is connected to living conditions (life in confined space negatively influences the number and development of children) and with the number of TV sets per capita in certain region (birthrate is higher in underdeveloped countries), where people spend less time in front of a television and computer). Due to unsolved housing problem young people get married later and have children latter. Birthrate is greatly influenced but general education and religion. If we take a good look at the table we will notice that the greatest birthrate is countries of Africa and Asia, that is, in parts in which there is a high number of illiterate and uneducated people. Opposite problem is present in the developed world, where birthrate is extremely low. This occurrence in western world is wide spread and is called “white plague”. For maintaining simple reproduction, with average life span of 70 years, it is necessary that the birthrate is around 15%.