Knowing mathematics and numbers are keys to knowing world. Numbers should be understood as a matter of the world and as a way to describe it. MATTER basically consists out of points, straight, plains and geometrical bodies that symbolically correspond to numbers 1,2,3,4…
According to Pythagoreans, followers of Pythagoras, number 10 is perfect number, because it holds the secret of the COSMOSE. In mathematics precisely those numbers and number relations is most important, and watching and studying space very quickly leads them to insight in measurable regularity and harmonized movement of spheres of celestial bodies. Pythagoreans conclude: the number is the essence of everything. Numbers are foundation of nature: eternal and unchangeable. They are the foundation of mathematics, foundations of all things. Entire universe consists out of harmony of numbers.
6.0221415 x 10´´23, defined as the number of constituent particles in one mole of a substance. It used to establish relationships between physical constants and properties.
Determines the distance of galaxies from Earth and fast they are moving away from us. It proves that the UNUVERSE is expanding and is used to estimate the size and age of the universe.
Euler´s number is the exponential growth constant used in finance to determine compound interest. Euler´s number is critical to the description of decaying relationships, such as carbon 14 dating.
This constant named after Max Planck, a founder of quantum theory. The number reflects the size and energy quanta in quantum mechanics, used to help determine the Uncertainty Principle.
Equaling the square root of -1, this number is used to get around the conundrum of there being no square roots of negative numbers.
This number is used in financial technical analysis to predict a market´s path. Equating to approximately 1.61803, it is observed frequently in nature and is said to provide the mathematical basis of beauty.
This constant known as the constant G, appears in Einstein´s theory of relativity. It helps calculate the force between two masses and is crucial for engineer.
Boltzmann´s constant occurs in nearly every statistical formulation of quantum and classical physics. It can explain why ice cubes welt in water but are not spontaneously created in tepid water.
PI constant, known as Archimedes´ constant, after he estimated the 1st calculation of PI. It is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and is used in fundamental principles of the Universe.
It measured at 299.792.458 meters per second and is in fact the most accurate way to define a meter´s length. The speed of light has been used in many formulas – most famously in E=MC´´2