Family Guy is an American adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a family consisting of parents Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie; and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian.
The show is set in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island, and exhibits much of its humor in the form of cutaway gags that often lampoon American culture.
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In college, Macfarlane wrote a short animation about a man and his talking dog. He was employed by Hanna-Barbera after a professor sent them the short, it eventually evolved into Family Guy.
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Meg is short for Megatron, nit Megan. The season 12 episode “A fistful of Meg” shows Peter change the birth certificate.
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Bonnie was pregnant for nearly seven years. She didn´t give birth to Susie until season 7.
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A 2006 South Park episode suggested that Family Guy is written by mindless sea mammals. After airing, South Park creators claimed they received flowers from The Simpsons producers as a show of support.
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The voice of the Joe, Patrick Warburton, framed a letter from his mom begging the FCC to ban the show. A devout Christian, she regularly calls her son, asking him to quit the show.
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The character who regularly calls Petr a Big fat Phony is named Holden Caulfield. He takes his name and catchphrase from Salinger´s “The Catcher in the Rye”.
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The show´s creators were sued three times in 2007. Comedian Carol Burnett´s case was thrown out when the judge cited an amendment to protect parody.
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In 2009 the High Times named Brian Griffin Stoner of the Year. He won the title after an episode featured his music “Everything Goes Better with a Bag of weed”.
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Macfarlane originally wanted every episode to be themed around death. Titles were planned to be unrelated to each story, including Death Has A Shadow and Mind over Murder.
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The parents Television council has named family Guy “worst show of the week” over 40 times since 2005. Macfarlane described their criticisms as “like getting hate mail from Hitler”.