Losing a job is for everyone in a time of crisis and great unemployment a big problem. Time in which we live in inevitably brings changes in all aspects of our life. And big part of our lives is of course, job and career. To avoid unpleasant situations at work and eventually getting fired you need to perform your duties.
However sometimes that is not enough… Reasons that can get you fired are numerous, but sometimes it happens because of really trivial reasons. You think you lost your job for no reason? Look at this attachment and see for yourself that there are even dumber reasons for getting fired than your reason.
10REASON No.10
A police officer was dismissed for stealing the Fire Department. Sharing a building, he was caught on camera taking beer from the Fire Department fridge.
Dental assistant Melissa Nelson was fired for being too attractive. Her ex-employer had been pressured into sacking her by his wife.
A lifeguard saved a man from drowning. He was then sacked for endangering lives as he left his section of the beach to carry out the rescue.
A warehouse worker was dismissed for excessive farting. The sacked man revealed that the problem was a side-effect of medication he was taking.
A New Zealander sent an email with instructions on how to full out healthcare forms. She lost her job as the email was in red, bold, upper case letters, causing “disharmony in the office”.
A store worker was sacked for taking a bag of potato ships without paying. The diabetic needed to boost her blood sugar and went back to pay for it once she was on her break.
Shaving her head, Stacey Fearnell raised 2.700 dollar for cancer research. She lost her job as a waitress on the basic that customers would not to be served by her.
John Oakes was sacked as Santa Claus by an Australian department store saying: ”ho ho ho”. The store preferred “ha ha ha” as “ho” could be taken as the slang for “whore”.
A McDonald´s employee was fired for giving her co-worker a free slice of cheese on the hamburger they bought. McDonald´s was order to pay her 5.900 dollar.
Turkmenistan PM Berdymukhamedov fired 30 people from the state-run TV channel. He was emerged when he heard that a cockroach had a lap of the 9pm news desk – live on air.