Crisix was born in February, 2008 under the name of Crysys. The band was originally formed by Javi Carrión and Marc Torras (ex-members of Shadon). For the search of the other components, they appealed to friends of other local bands, and this way Marc Busqué (ex- Helltears) and Albert Requena (ex-Face) joined as the guitars. The first singer of the band couldn’t be present at the presentation’s concert, and they decided to replace him for Julián Baz (bassist of Bourbon Society). The group realized that Juli’s voice was fitting better to the style that the band was looking for, and they decided to propose him the singer’s position, closing definitely the formation.
During these dates the band has crossed the whole Spanish geography, sharing stage with bands as Angelus Apatrida, Onslaught, Dark Tranquillity, Legion of the damned, Artillery, Necrodeath, Bonded by blood, Gama Bomb, Fueled by fire, Lazarus A.D., Evil Dead and they have played in festivals as SWR XIII Barrosselas Metal Fest 2010 (Portugal), Wacken Open Air 2009 and 2010 consecutively (Germany).
• Juli Baz “Bazooka” Sánchez
• Marc “Busi” Busqué Plaza
• Albert Requena Mateu
• Javi “Carry” Carrión López
• Dani “Ramis” Castelltort
The Menace
Rise… Then Rest;
Here is the list of 10 best riffs of Crisix: