Will we get taller, will we start to grow bigger eyes, will our brains get smaller and will we one day be able to live forever? Find out as Alltime10s tackles 10 next steps in human evolution…
Our brains might get smaller and women will begin to shrink are just two possible theories of human evolution. Watch the clip to see more about what the future has in store for humanity!
10Increase in Height
Geneticists believe improvement in childhood nutrition is causing us to grow taller. The average height of industrialized nations has increased by 10cm in 150 years.
09Selective Hearing
Called ‘The Cocktail Party Effect’, the brain chooses what to hear when surrounded by noise. This could develop until we learn to avoid stress by blocking ears like we can close our eyes.
08Shorter Women
Yale University research found that it’s likely that women will become shorter and stouter. The study found that smaller, plumper women tended to have more children – passing on these characteristics.
07Less Hair
The evolution from ape to human has seen us lose most of our body hair. Modern clothing, heating & air con will continue to make hair’s insulating abilities obsolete.
06Bigger Eyes
Eyes will become unnervingly large & blink sideways to protect from cosmic rays. They will grow as attempts to colonize alien planets see us move to dimmer environments.
05The species Divides
Humanity will split into 2 subspecies – I tall & intelligent, the other short & dim-witted. As people breed with those of similar type, an elite & underclass will form.
04Smaller Brains
The brain will shrink as it becomes more efficient & thinking becomes quicker. The brain has been decreasing for 200,000 years – on average they are now a tennis ball size smaller
03Muscle atrophy
Our reliance on technology will cause our muscles to weaken with each generation. Any future space travel would also cause us to lose muscle mass.
02No Race
Increased globalization, leading to more mixed-race couples, will eradicate race. Racial differences will blend together until we all have the same color skin.
01Electronic Immortality
Cloning, genetic enhancement & nanotechnology could allow humans to live forever. Transhumanism would allow us to scan each atom of our brain – transferring them to computers