Light is electromagnetic radiation with wave length somewhere between 400-750 nm. Wave length of light is located somewhere between wave length of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. In some fields of technique and science, light can mean electromagnetic radiation of variable wave length.
Tri basic parameters that determine light are: light amplitude, color (frequency) and polarization of light. Studying light and its interaction with matter, is the job for optics. Solving problems with light have preoccupied many scientists throughout history. However, until recent none of them have managed to answer such a complex question. 10 amazing facts about light will help you find out something more about this occurrence.
10FACT No 10
The speed of light in a vacuum is almost 300 million meters per second. Light from the SUN take about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach Earth.
09FACT No 9
When charged particles in solar winds collide with the Earth´s atmosphere and magnetic field, light is produced – the aurora borelis (Northern Light) and austrails (Southern Lights).
08FACT No 8
Warming a crystal will make it glow, known as thermoluminescence. It is caused by previously absorbed radiation being re-emitted due to the heat.
07FACT No 7
Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living creature. Between 80 to 90 percent of deep-water oceanic life has this ability.
06FACT No 6
The disease porphyria cutanea tarda causes severe reactions to light. Chronic blistering and even burns can result from exposure to sunlight.
05FACT No 5
The central light is the world´s longest lasting bulb. Other than during power cuts, it has only been turned off once. For 20 minutes since 1901.
04FACT No 4
Up to 33 percent of people have the photic sneeze reflex – sneezing when exposed to bright light. Confusing signaling from the trigeminal nerve is one theory.
03FACT No 3
A BLACK HOLE is so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational pull, meaning it cannot be observed directly. They can be only detected by observing the behavior of SPACE around them.
02FACT No 2
Blue light has small, short waves. Unlike red or yellow light when it travels through our atmosphere, it is scattered by molecules in the air making the sky blue.
01FACT No 1
NASA theorize faster-than-light travel is plausible. By bending space-time in front and behind a vessel, they believe it is possible without contradicting Einsteinrelativity